Saturday, January 21, 2012

my dolls

Hey you guys know that I love AG dolls right? Here they are: 1. Claira Diane: She is my first doll. She is a spring field collection Olivia doll.Her personality is just like mine. Her favorite color is pink, and she loves to draw!Her favorite holiday is her birthday, which is
 October 28th. Her middle name is Diane because thats the name of the person that gave her to me.
2.Felicity Ester: My second doll she is an AG historical from 1774.She is the tomboy of the family.Her favorite color is purple and she loves Ballet!Her favorite holiday is Christmas. Her middle name is Ester because in the movie Orphan the "little girl" Ester wears these chokers and bracelets around her neck and wrists. My mom hates that! I got her for my birthday, her birthday is April 21st.
3.Chrissa Marie:My third doll. Her favorite color is green. She loves to swim. Her favorite holiday is Valentines day! I got her for Christmas 2011. Her middle name is Marie because thats what it is in the books. Her birthday is December 10th. She is GOTY 2009.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Can someone please tell me how to post pictures to my blog? please tell me thank you.